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How to Sing High Notes and Low Notes Easier Instantly!

Singing is all about muscles, so most of the time, improving singing isn’t something that happens overnight.

However, there are things that we can do instantly to make singing easier! (One of which has to do with the amount of effort used in singing, and you can check out that trick over here!)

This blog’s instant singing improvement is a mental trick that helps you sing high notes and low notes with much more ease!

If you would like to watch this in video-format, here is the video I made on this exact subject!

Most of the time, we get nervous about singing high notes, as well as singing really low notes.

I’m sure you’ve either noticed it yourself, or watching other singers: when you try to sing higher, and you’re not sure you can reach the note easily, you lift your chin to reach the note, and it ends up coming out strained, pushed, and not-so-nice. Alternatively, the same thing happens when you sing a low note you’re not sure you can hit; except, instead of lifting your chin up, you tilt your chin down, as if we think that we can physically reach for those notes in our range.

I’m also sure you’ve noticed that this doesn’t help you sing high notes or low notes.

This is because we don’t need to move our head or chin to reach notes in our range! It’s all about vocal placement, which is about where we put our voice in our mouth.

(You can read all about vocal placement here!)

But even if you haven’t learned vocal placement yet, or even if you have, this mental trick will help you instantly! And it’s this:

For high notes, pretend that as the notes go up toward the sky, they’re actually going lower, toward the ground. I sometimes will even use my hand or finger as the notes go up in pitch, I point down toward the floor with each note that goes up.

Try it!!

For low notes, do the opposite! Pretend that as the notes go lower in pitch, you’re going higher. Imagine they’re going up toward the sky, rather than down toward the floor. Use your hand or finger to point in the opposite way of the pitch.

Try this too!

You’ll probably first notice that you are no longer trying to manipulate your head position or your chin! And, you’ll probably notice an ease that you didn’t have before, and potentially even hit notes you didn’t know you could hit!

Let me know how this worked for you, and as always, Happy Singing!

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